Daftar Blog Saya

Senin, 02 Mei 2011

Pertempuran adalah pembuatan bir untuk hak membual liburan paling mahal. ". Menjelma kemewahan murni" Resor Emirates Palace di Abu Dhabi mengumumkan paket Perjalanan Million Dollar Seiring dengan tiket pesawat kelas satu dan tujuh malam di suite raksasa di Istana.

Dikemudikan sopir Maybach di pembuangan harian Anda selama Anda tinggal di Abu Dhabi.

Harian perawatan SPA.
Hari perjalanan di jet pribadi ke Iran di mana Anda akan berada dinegara pembuat karpet sendiri dengan tangan paling eksklusif dan paling terkenal yaitu negara Persia. Hari perjalanan ke Bahrain di jet pribadi untuk "pengalaman mutiara laut dalam," dengan pengaturan tangan mutiara-dirancang.

Emirates berharap perjalanan itu mendapatkannya slot dalam Guinness Book of World Records. Tapi ternyata bahwa Leading Hotels of the World telah ode sendiri untuk kemewahan. Itu $ 1 juta di seluruh dunia di 80 Cara perjalanan, yang memainkan dari perjalanan bertingkat dari Phileas Fogg, memungkinkan pelancong menciptakan pengalaman keliling dunia-fantasi abad ke-19 dengan kenyamanan abad ke-21 dan bakat.
Spoiler for tuh:
Baru, Facebook Pasang Tombol Send
Heni BeritaNET.com, 26 April, 2011 03:04:00 | Dilihat 236 kali

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Facebook akan meluncurkan tombol Send, mulai Senin (25/04), sebagai improvisasi fungsi Group, dan untuk menggantikan tombol klasik “Email to a friend”. Tombol Send tampaknya sama seperti tombol Like. Klik di tombol Send, kemudian akan muncul jendela pop-up, yang memperbolehkan user untuk mengirim artikel atau halaman ke teman, group atau alamat email. User dapat menambahkan pesan dan mengirim ke halaman inbox teman atau posting ke wall di Group.

Tombol Send didesain untuk memberikan kemudahan bagi user guna sharing content dengan group teman yang dikenal, menurut manager produk Facebook, Austin Haugen. Tombol Send juga dapat menghitung jumlah yang melakukan Like halaman. Sedangkan Like dapat menghitung total Likes, shares, comments, dan pesan inbox yang memiliki URL.
Qualcomm & ooVoo Launch The First High Resolution Video Conferencing on A Mobile Platform
Sunday, March 27, 2011

New York, NY (January 5, 2011)— Qualcomm, the world leader in next-generation mobile technologies, and ooVoo, a leading video communication service with best-in-class mobile video chat solutions, today announced a business partnership that breaks new ground in mobile communications.
Qualcomm and ooVoo will jointly demonstrate mobile video chat with high resolution technology at the Qualcomm booth at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, January 5-9, 2011. The partnership promises to deliver better quality and functionality, and provide longer battery life which will improve the user experience in mobile video conferencing.

Qualcomm leads the industry in high performance mobile media hardware solutions and has identified ooVoo’s mobile video chat as the service that can best showcase Qualcomm’s hardware capability. ooVoo allows up to six users to simultaneously participate on a video call without compromising quality. The company’s innovation in mobile video chat software, integrated with Qualcomm’s differentiated hardware, will elevate the mobile experience to levels that have not been achieved by competitive video chat services.
“We’re delighted to work in partnership with Qualcomm to deliver the best mobile video conference in the market place,” said Philippe Schwartz, CEO at ooVoo. “ooVoo continues to strive for best-in-class mobile video chat anywhere, anytime. Our game-changing technology allows users to experience high quality, multi-device and multi-party video chat in ways that is not available with other services.”

In December, ooVoo launched the first 4G mobile video chat service that simultaneously connects smartphone, PC and Mac users. Users can experience high quality mobile video chat by downloading the ooVoo Mobile application for WiFi or 4G-enabled smartphones.

About Qualcomm
Qualcomm Incorporated (NASDAQ: QCOM) is the world leader in next-generation mobile technologies. For 25 years, Qualcomm ideas and inventions have driven the evolution of wireless communications, connecting people more closely to information, entertainment and each other. Today, Qualcomm technologies are powering the convergence of mobile communications and consumer electronics, making wireless devices and services more personal, affordable and accessible to people everywhere.

About ooVoo
Based in New York, ooVoo is the number two video calling service behind Skype. We’re committed to be the best at the video experience and we’ve grown to 20 million users worldwide. We think video communications is cool and we know that our quality and video experience is at the forefront of this new communications medium. We use ooVoo daily no matter where we are – on the playground, in a conference room, or in the air. Which is why we are connected and engaged to create a community people want to be a part of. WE ARE VIDEO COMMUNICATIONS.

Browser Firefox 4 Akhirnya Dirilis

MOUNTAIN VIEW, KOMPAS.com — Setelah ditunggu-tunggu sejak versi beta tahun lalu, versi final browser Firefox 4 akhirnya resmi dirilis Mozilla, Selasa (22/3/2011). Browser teranyar ini digadang-gadang akan menyediakan pengalaman mengakses web lebih cepat, nyaman, dan mudah menyesuaikan kebutuhan 400 juta pengguna browser Mozilla di seluruh dunia saat ini.

"Firefox menempatkan pengguna sebagai pengendali penuh pengalaman di web, menyediakan tampilan yang rapi, fitur-fitur baru yang menyenangkan, kecepatan jauh meningkat, dan mendukung teknologi-teknologi web modern," tulis tim Mozilla di situsnya.

Perubahan yang paling kentara adalah dalam hal tampilan. Seperti yang dilakukan pengembang browser lainnya, tampilannya lebih bersih dengan menu ringkas. Halaman web menjadi pusat sorotan di tengah. Tersedia fitur App Tabs, tempat alamat situs web yang paling sering dikunjungi. Terdapat pula fitur Panorama untuk mengumpulkan banyak tab menjadi satu kategori agar tampilan tetap nyaman saat membuka banyak tab.

Namun, pengguna tetap diberi kebebasan melakukan penataan tampilan browser dengan tersedianya fitur Persona. Ekstensi dan add on yang menjadi andalan Firefox sejak awal memperkaya fitur browser yang dapat dipilih secara personal.

Kecepatan akses web dengan Firefox 4 diklaim enam kali lipat dibanding versi sebelumnya, Firefox 3.6. Dikombinasikan dengan dukungan terhadap fitur grafis berbasis hardware pada komputer masa kini, browser ini juga mendukung akses ke konten multimedia yang kaya. Browser ini juga sudah mendukung penuh teknologi HTML5, video HD (WebM), dan grafis 3D.

Kali ini, pengguna juga lebih nyaman karena crash di salah satu halaman tidak berpengaruh dengan halaman lainnya. Saat tiba-tiba halaman yang tengah dibuka crash karena konten Flash, QuickTime, atau Silverlight tidak bekerja sempurna, halaman lain tetap bisa diakses.

Firefox 4 tersedia untuk pengguna komputer berbasis Windows, Linux, maupun Mac OS X dan tersedia dalam 80 bahasa pengantar. Dalam waktu dekat, Firefox 4 juga akan tersedia dalam versi mobile untuk smartphone dan perangkat berbasis Android dan Maemo. Saat ini Firefox 4 Mobile baru tersedia dalam versi Release Candidate (RC).

Firefox 4 dapat diunduh secara cuma-cuma di http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/fx/

Aplikasi Kodak Bisa Hapus Orang Lain di Foto

KOMPAS.com - Hmm, tak mau kalah dengan perusahaan-perusahaan teknologi lainnya, Kodak pun punya humor April Mob yang tidak kalah cerdas. Di tanggal 1 April 2011, Paulette Brandes, Interactive Marketing Manager Design & Usability Kodak, melansir aplikasi baru yang bisa menghapus otomatis orang yang tidak diinginkan di dalam foto.

"Www.kodak.com punya aplikasi baru- relatuonshiffft - hapus seseorang di semua foto dan video #aprilfools," tulis Paulette Brandes di akun Twitter miliknya.

Dari namanya saja sudah pasti main-main pakai huruf "F" tiga buah. Namun, Paulette Brandes menyajikan dengan serius guyonan tersebut. Tulisannya di blog "A Thousand Words-Kodak" diawali sebuah foto yang menggambarkan secara singkat bagaimana Relationshiffft bekerja.

"Teknologi unik dengan pendekatan tiga tahap yang kami perkenalkan membantu Anda menghapus seseorang yang sudah tidak ada dalam kehidupan Anda dari foto dan video cukup dengan satu sentuhan mudah," tulisnya.

Pertama, Kodak telah mengembangkan software pengenal wajah yang akan mengidentifikasi seseorang lewat mukanya di dalam foto. Algoritma tingkat tinggi yang dikembangkan bisa melacak foto orang yang sama di semua foto dan video dalam waktu singkat.

Kedua, sensor canggih buatan Kodak akan mendeteksi seluruh bagian tubuh orang tersebut di dalam foto dan video dan akan menghapusnya. Tidak hanya itu, sensor tersebut juga akan mengenali lingkungan sekitar sehingga bagian yang terhalang tubuh orang yang dihapus akan disesuaikan dengan kondisi sebenarnya. Kemampuan tersebut berkat teknologi piksel decohadron (12 sisi).

Ketiga, Kodak juga punya teknologi tinta pigmen nano yang setiap pikselnya bisa diatur. Ibarat saklar, pikselnya bisa diatur on atau off, sehingga piksel-piksel yang membentuk foto seseorang dapat dimatikan.
Tapi apakah tega menghapus orang yang pernah menjadi sahabat, teman, atau saudara? Nah, Kodak pun tengah menyiapkan aplikasi versi baru yang akan dinamai APP (Automated Person PLUS" yang bahkan bisa menambahkan orang lain secara otomatis di dalam foto.

Tapi, tentu saja semua itu hanya khayalan Paulette Brandes. Sejauh ini, teknologi tersebut memang belum ada, namun bukan tidak mungkin di depan? Ada atau tidak, enggak usah gusar, nikmati saja bulan April ini.

Satu Dekade Mac OS X "Mengaum"

KOMPAS.com - Tanpa peringatan khusus, sistem operasi Mac OS X buatan Apple yang dikenal punya kemampuan grafis sangat baik telah berusia satu dekade. Debutnya secara formal baru dilakukan pada 24 Maret 2001 dan sejak saat itu telah keluar beberapa versi dengan nama kode yang khas yakni bermacam jenis kucing besar.

Dalam sepuluh tahun sudah tujuh versi dirilis dan satu direncanakan akhir tahun ini. Masing-masing Cheetah, Puma, Jaguar, Panther, Tiger, leopard, Snow leopard, dan akan segera menyusul Lion. Awalnya nama kode tersebut hanya digunakan untuk kepentingan internal, namun justru menjadi sebutan yang akrab bagi para pecinta Mac.

Mac OS X sendiri sebenarnya sudah mulai dikembangkan sejak tahun 1994 dengan proyek Copland di Apple. Kemudian platform tersebut disatukan dalam Apple Rhapsody developer Release setelah Apple mengakuisis penuh NeXT yang diriikan Steve Jobs pada 1996. Rhapsody berkembang menjadi Mac OS X Server (Hera) pada 1999. Versi publik beta dengan nama Kodiak keluar 30 September 2002 dan enam bulan kemudian baru dirilis versi pertama untuk publik.

Berikut perjalanan Mac OS X dari waktu ke waktu:

Mac OS X Cheetah
CEO Apple Steve Jobs menyebut Mac OS X sebagai platform penting bagi Apple setelah sistem operasi Macintosh pertama merevolusi industri pada tahun 1984. Saat diluncurkan 25 September 2001, versi pertama didukung 350 aplikasi di antaranya iMovie 2, iTunes, dan AppleWorks 6.1. Harganya waktu itu 129 dollar AS dan dipakai pada iMac, iBook, Power Macintosh G3, Power Mac G4, Power Mac G4 Cube, dan PowerBook.

Mac OS X 10.1 Puma
Apple pertama kali memperkenalkan versi kedua Mac OS X pada Juli 2001 pada acara Macworld dan baru dirilis 25 September 2011. Ini mungkin versi yang selisihnya paling cepat dari pendahulunya karena hanya enam bulan. Apple meningkatkan user interface dengan nama Aqua dan memperluas dukungan terhadap media dan perangkat seperti DVD, MP3, CD, printer, dan kamera digital. Harga satu unit lisensi saat itu juga 129 dollar AS.

Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar
Versi ketiga ini diperkenalkan pada Agustus 2002 namun baru tersedia di pasar 23 Agustus 2002. Untuk pertama kali, nama kodenya dipakai dalam media marketing. Ada 150 fitur baru antara lain iChat, filter junk mail, dan teknologi jaringan yang lebih baik. Dalam seminggu pertama, terjual 100.000 copy. Ada dua paket yang tersedia seharga 129 dollar AS dan paket keluarga untuk lima orang hanya 199 dollar AS.

Mac OS X 10.3 Panther
Keluarnya versi keempat ini selisih lebih dari satu tahun dengan versi sebelumnya karena dirilis 24 Oktober 2003. Ada 150 fitur baru ditambahkan pada Mac OS X 10.3 ini, antara lain Finder dengan satu akses klik ke file dan folder, fitur tampilan Expose, dan iChat AV untuk videokonferensi. Tersedia pula versi Mac OS X Server 10.3. Harganya 129 dollar AS sedangkan untuk server 499 dollar AS untuk 10 klien dan 999 dollar AS untuk jumlah klien tak terbatas.

Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger
Untuk versi kelima, selisih waktu dengan versi keempat malah lebih panjang lagi karena baru keluar April 2005. Namun, ada 200 fitur baru yang menarik seperti fungsi pencarian dengan Spotlight dan Dashboard yang mendukung widget untuk pertama kalinya.

Mac OS X Leopard
Leopard memulai debutnya pada oktober 2007 dengan perbaikan pada fitur pencarian file dengan Stacks, desain ulang Finder, Quick Look, dan untuk pertama kali memperkenalkan backup Time Machine.

Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
Snow Leopard yang muncul Agustus 2009 mungkin perbaruan besar-besaran secara sistem keseluruhan karena Apple menyatakan telah memperbarui 90 persen dari 1000 proyek yang terlibat dalam pengembangan Mac OS X. Ukurannya hanya setengah versi sebelumnya karena cukup dengan media penyimpan 7 GB. Telah mendukung prosesor 64 bit.

Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
Generasi terbaru yang diberi nama Lion direncanakan akan dirilis akhir tahun ini. Namun, Apple telah mendistribusikan versi uji coba kepada beberapa mitra pengembang. beberapa fitur baru antara lain teknologi berbagi file secara nirkabel AirDrop dan desain ulang aplikasi Mail. Juga ada tool interface LaunchPad untuk menampilkan tampilan layar iPhone dan iPad ke Mac. Platform ini juga akan mendukung penuh layar multitouch.

Apa yang dilakukan ketika Anda memasuki sebuah supermarket tanpa ada petugas di dalamnya? Tidak ada kasir ataupun penjaga, bahkan satpam? Apakah Anda bisa mencuri banyak barang tanpa membayar?

Semua itu tidak sepenuhnya terjadi di supermarket Pak ‘n Save, sebuah supermarket yang terletak di New Zealand ini dibuka ketika tidak ada pegawai di dalamnya yang sedang bekerja, dan yang mengherankan, toko tersebut tetap aman karena beberapa shopper mengetahui tidak ada petugas ataupun kasirnya. Kejadian tersebut terjadi pukul 8 pagi waktu setempat, Jumat (21/04) kemarin, ketika sebuah komputer tiba-tiba membukakan pintu supermarket, tanpa ada pegawai yang ada di dalam.

Dan ketika banyak pembeli yang datang, mereka kemudian berbelanja, dan ketika sudah selesai, mereka menaruh uang di mesin kasir dan mengambil kembalian untuk barang yang mereka beli. Tentu saja, ada beberapa orang yang berjalan begitu saja tanpa membayar. Semua kejadian tersebut terekam dalam CCTV supermarket, sudah diketahui oleh si pemilik supermarket. Bahkan, polisi yang datang satu jam kemudian, dan memanggil mereka yang membeli barang secara gratis, untuk kembali dan membayar barangnya.
Twitter tambah bahasa Rusia dan Turki

Twitter semakin ingin lebih dekat kepada pengguna di beberapa negara. Kali ini bahasa Rusia dan Turki masuk dalam tambahan terbaru untuk daftar bahasa yang didukung di Twitter. Pengguna sekarang dapat mengeksplor Twitter dalam sembilan bahasa, sebagian besar telah ditambahkan melalui terjemahan crowdsourced. Relawan dan kontributor telah bekerja pada kedua bahasa terakhir selama dua bulan terakhir.

“Mulai hari ini, pengguna akan dapat menggunakan Twitter dalam bahasa Rusia dan Turki. Kami menambahkan dua bahasa untuk Translation Center sekitar dua bulan lalu,” tulis Twitter. Pihaknya melanjutkan bahwa pengguna dapat mengubah bahasa dari halaman pengaturan pada twitter.com. Setelah pengguna mengatur bahasa untuk Rusia atau Turki, pengguna akan dapat menelusuri kepentingan dan menemukan pengaturan Rusia dan Turki menarik untuk diikuti.

Twitter mulai proyek penterjemahannya dalam satu setengah tahun yang lalu ketika mulai menambahkan dukungan untuk beberapa bahasa Eropa. Pada waktu itu, Twitter hanya telah tersedia dalam bahasa Inggris dan Jepang. Hal tersebut semakin membuat Twitter ingin dekat dengan pengguna di berbagai negara dengan meluncurkan bahasa baru yaitu bahasa Korea awal tahun ini. Tak lama setelah itu, Twitter mengumumkan bahwa pembenahan Pusat Penerjemahan memudahkan pengguna untuk berkontribusi. Pada bulan Februari, Twitter mengumumkan penambahan dukungan untuk Pusat Turki, Rusia dan Indonesia di Terjemahan. (jimmyfernanda/BeritaNet.com)
Samsung Galaxy S siapkan Android 2.3 Gingrebread

Vendor ponsel asal Korea Selatan, Samsung Electronics dilaporkan telah mulai memberikan sistem operasi Android 2.3 Gingerbread bagi pengguna smartphone Galaxy S. Tahun lalu, Galaxy S yang merupakan model unggulan perusahaan masih berjalan pada Android 2.2 di seluruh dunia. Namun, beberapa pengguna sekarang telah mengupgrade pada versi OS yang lebih baru. Sebelumnya beredar rumor bahwa Samsung tidak menunjukkan perubahan secara resmi dari pertengahan April hingga sekarang. Meskipun, perusahaan belum mengeluarkan pernyataan resmi, Samsung mulai mengeluarkan wacana upgrade Gingerbread ke beberapa pengguna.

Mereka yang menerimanya saat ini adalah pengguna di beberapa negara Eropa seperti Belanda dan Jerman. Samsung juga melakukan hal yang sama dengan melibatkan perusahaan telekomunikasi terkemuka diharapkan untuk mendorong perangkat lunak bagi pengguna dalam waktu dekat. Perangkat populer Samsung Galaxy S mulai diluncurkan tahun lalu dengan versi 2.1 OS Android, tapi pengguna mulai menerima Android OS 2.2 Froyo pada musim gugur.

Google sendiri baru saja meluncurkan Android baru 2.3 Gingerbread akhir tahun lalu disaat Samsung Nexus S sudah mulai bergerak ke versi OS baru. Namun, tetap saja pengguna harus menunggu informasi detail lebih lanjut tentang ini untuk mempelajari kapan dan bagaimana rilis platform baru akan tiba pada semua perangkat Galaxy S. Saat ini, Samsung akan menjadi produsen ponsel pertama yang mulai melayani Gingerbread untuk para penggunanya, setelah Google mengantarkan ke Nexus One milik HTC. (jimmyfernanda/BeritaNet.com)
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Pendiri YouTube beli Delicious milik Yahoo

Layanan sosial bookmarking, Delicious, baru saja diakuisisi avos, perusahaan yang dimiliki co-founder YouTube, Chad Hurley dan Steve Chen. Yahoo mengatakan dalam sebuah pernyataan resminya, bahwa mereka akan terus menjalankan layanan Delicious sampai sekitar bulan Juli. Informasi pengguna kemudian akan diserahkan kepada avos. Para pemilik baru mengatakan mereka akan terus menjalankan situs seperti sebelumnya.

Pada halaman pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan di Delicious, Yahoo mengungkapkan “mungkin ada waktu penyesuaian saat avos meluncurkan ulang Delicious, tapi niat perusahaan untuk menambahkan fitur baru dan mengembangkan layanan secara keseluruhan.“ “Kami sangat gembira bekerja sama dengan komunitas ini. Tentu sangat fantastis saat Delicious diambil ke tingkat berikutnya,” ujar Hurley, CEO avos dalam laman resminya.

Hurley mengungkapkan bahwa pihaknya melihat kesempatan yang luar biasa untuk menyederhanakan cara pengguna menyimpan dan berbagi konten dimanapun mereka menemukan di Web. Sebagai bagian dari transisi, Yahoo berkata, bookmark pengguna publik dan swasta akan dipertahankan. Untuk memfasilitasi perubahan tersebut, Yahoo meminta pengguna untuk setuju informasi yang mereka miliki dipindahkan ke perusahaan baru. Mereka yang tidak setuju dengan persyaratan avos tidak akan dapat mengakses bookmark atau layanan Delicious.

Yahoo Delicious diperoleh pada tahun 2005. Namun, beberapa tahun setelahnya, Yahoo berencana untuk menutup sebagai bagian dari bagiannya. Yahoo kemudian mengungkapkan bahwa Delicious tercata tidak lagi strategis di Yahoo dan mereka akan mencari perusahaan luar untuk mendapatkannya. “Kami berbicara dengan berbagai pihak yang tertarik untuk memperoleh situs ini, kemudian memilih Chad dan Steve berdasarkan semangat mereka dan visi unik untuk Delicious,” kata John Matheny, pejabat senior komunitas dan komunikasi Yahoo dalam laman resminya. (jimmyfernanda/BeritaNet.com)
Microsoft, Rabu (27/04) kemarin mengingatkan kepada user akan adanya serangan phishing via game penjualan terbaiknya, "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2”.”User akan menerima serangan phishing via pesan tertentu ketika bermain Modern Warfare 2. Untuk itu, kami mencoba menyelesaikan masalah ini. Kami minta maaf atas ketidaknyamanan ini, dan terima kasih atas kesabaran user.” ungkap Microsoft.

Bagaimanapun, kebanyakan gamer mencatat, aktivitas phishing, ketika hacker mencuri informasi personal dengan email palsu atau permintaan sesuatu melalui Modern Warfare 2 bukanlah hal baru. “MW2 di-hack bukanlah hal baru.” Menurut salah satu gamer di forum Xbox.
Pasar Android dekati 50 persen

Sistem operasi Android akan segera memiliki hampir 50 persen dari pasar smartphone. Seperti yang diungkap Gartner, lebih dari 296 juta smartphone dikapalkan tahun lalu. Total dari jumlah tersebut, Symbian mendapatkan 37,6 persen pangsa pasar, diikuti 22,7 persen Android, dan BlackBerry OS dengan 16 persen dari pasar. Pada tahun 2011, jumlah pengiriman smartphone di seluruh dunia meledak menjadi hampir 468 juta unit. Pertumbuhan itu akan membantu Android mendapatkan 38,5 persen pangsa pasar pada akhir tahun, diikuti oleh iOS Apple di 19,4 persen, dan Symbian sebesar 19,2 persen.

Namun, tahun depan mungkin saja menjadi yang paling membuka mata dalam analisis Gartner. Menurut perusahaan analisis tersebut, lebih dari 630 juta smartphone akan dikapalkan ke seluruh dunia pada tahun 2012, dan Android akan memiliki pangsa pasar 49,2 persen yang sangat mudah mendominasi. Pesaing kedua IOS dengan 18,9 persen. Research In Motion yang merupakan sistem operasi BlackBerry akan menempati tempat ketiga dengan 12,6 persen dari populasi smartphone.

Gartner mempersembahkan kejutan lain dengan analisis yang dibuat. Pada tahun 2015, platform milik Microsoft, Windows Phone akan mengamankan posisi kedua dalam ruang smartphone dengan 19,5 persen pangsa pasar. Angkat tersebut akan diikuti 48,8 persen milik pasar Android. Gartner mengungkapkan bahwa yang mendorong penjualan Windows Phone semata-mata berdasarkan aliansi Microsoft dengan Nokia. Kemungkinan mulai tahun depan, Nokia akan menggunakan Windows Telepon 7 sebagai sistem operasi utama pada smartphonenya. (jimmyfernanda/BeritaNet.com)
Apple rilis update font Snow Leopard

Apple telah merilis update untuk OS X yang menangani masalah pemotongan rendering font bagi pengguna yang telah melakukan upgrade ke OS X 10.6.7. Dikutip dari Cnet, mengungkapkan bahwa pertama kali laporan diberikan kepada Apple akhir Maret lalu, dimana sejumlah pengguna yang telah upgrade ke OS X 10.6.7 tidak dapat membaca file PDF yang dibuat dalam versi terbaru dari Mac OS. Persoalan itu dipersempit ke OS X yang mengelola OpenType font PostScript.

Bila pengguna memeriksa Update Software dari dalam OS X 10.6.7, pengguna harus dapat menerapkan pembaruan disana juga. Selain itu, pengguna juga dapat mendownload dari halaman Web update. Pastikan bahwa pengguna telah memperbarui OS X dengan menginstal Combo Updater terbaru, yang diterapkan untuk memperbaiki masalah font.

Pembaruan yang terdapat pada update tersebut meliputi :

· Alamat masalah dimana beberapa OpenType tidak muncul dengan benar dalam aplikasi tertentu

· Mengatasi masalah pencetakan dari Preview

· Menyelesaikan kesalahan font yang tidak valid ketika mencetak ke printer PostScript (jimmyfernanda/BeritaNet.com)
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Nokia rumahkan 4 ribu pekerjanya

Perusahaan ponsel asal Finlandia, baru saja mengumumkan rencana untuk merumahkan sekitar 4.000 pegawai. Keputusan tersebut sebagai bagian dari inisiatif restrukturisasi terbaru. Pada akhir 2012, tenaga kerja perusahaan di seluruh dunia yang mencakup 65.000 karyawan diprediksi akan terkena PHK yang akan terjadi di berbagai negara dimana Nokia beroperasi.

Selain ini, perusahaan akan mempekerjakan 3.000 karyawan untuk Accenture yang merupakan bagian dari tujuan perusahaan dalam proses pengembangan perangkat lunak Symbian. Nokia juga mengumumkan bahwa pengurangan ini akan berlangsung secara bertahap dan proses ini diharapkan akan selesai pada akhir tahun depan. Pemutusan hubungan kerja yang dilakukan erat kaitannya dengan peluncuran produk baru Nokia dan portofolio layanan.

“Saat ini kamu baru saja memfokuskan pada kepemimpinan kami di seluruh jajaran smartphone, ponsel, dan gangguan yang akan datang,” ujar Stephen Elop, CEO Nokia dalam laman resminya. Namun, Stephen menuturkan adanya fokus baru tersebut, pihaknya juga akan menghadapi pengurangan tenaga kerja. Hal ini tentu menjadi sebuah kenyataan yang sangat sulit diterima dan Nokia terus bekerja sama dengan karyawan dan jejaring mitra untuk terus menyaring orang-orang berbakat di Nokia.
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IntelliVocab 1.5 resmi dirilis

Faqden Labs baru saja mengumumkan rilis terbaru IntelliVocab versi 1.5. IntelliVocab merupakan sebuah aplikasi untuk perangkat IOS yang berfungsi sebagai pembelajaran personal kosakata bahasa Inggris untuk ujian kompetitif dan perbaikan pribadi. IntelliVocab 1.5 yang dirancang oleh seorang mahasiswa MIT didasarkan pada penelitian terbaru MIT Computer Science dan Web Semantik Lab yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menguasai kosa kata bahasa Inggris dengan cara yang paling efektif.

IntelliVocab sepenuhnya mengendalikan lingkungan belajar, sehingga pengguna tidak harus merencanakan pendekatan pembelajaran. Beberapa hal yang pengguna harus lakukan adalah berinteraksi. Aplikasi ini cukup membantuk bagi pelajar yang menginginkan kosa kata pemula dengan menggunakan mesin terbaru pembelajara algoritma dan cara menentukan tingkat pengguna. Selain itu, IntelliVocab akan mengajarkan tentang pengguna dan tokoh yang keluar dengan kata-kata yang sulit. Hal ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk mencapai skor tertinggi dalam ujian yang kompetitif seperti GMAT, SAT, GRE atau dalam pekerjaan profesional. Pengguna dapat langsung mengunjungi app store bila ingin mencoba aplikasi ini.


- 600 + kata-kata umum dalam versi Lite

- 2 level: Expert and Commitment

- Setiap sesi latihan set berisi kata-kata berdasarkan tingkat pengguna

- Laporan komprehensif perkembangan

- Fitur Audio dan antonim untuk setiap kata

- Remote sync untuk kata-kata baru (jimmyfernanda/BeritaNet.com)
Aspire Z5763 pusat hiburan 3D besutan Acer

Acer baru saja memperbarui jajaran produk untuk fitur all in one dengan menghadirkan Aspire Z5763, yang khusus dirancang untuk menawarkan pengalaman multimedia sepenuhnya dengan visual 3D versi AIO yang didukung Nvidia 3D Vision. Aspire Z5763 AIO ini didukung prosesor Intel Core i3-2100 yang memiliki komputasi dual core dan clock di 3.1GHz. Hal ini dapat dipasangkan bersama dengan sebanyak 16GB memori DDR3 dalam konfigurasi dual channel. Sedangkan untuk grafis disediakan Nvidia GeForce GT 440M atau GeForce GT 445M GPU yang didukung sebanyak 2GB buffer video.

Mesin ini juga dapat dikonfigurasi sampai dengan 2TB kapasitas penyimpanan, Blu-ray optical drive combo, Bluetooth 2.1 dan TV tuner hybrid. Selain itu terdapat pilihan standar termasuk webcam 2.0MP, 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi dan Konektivitas Ethernet Gigabit, card reader multi-format dan speaker 5W. Keseluruhan hardware tersebut dikemas di balik layar 23 inci yang dapat menampilkan resolusi hingga 1920x1080 piksel dan juga dilengkapi dengan inframerah 3D yang terpadu emiter Vision. Tambahan lain yang menarik adalah AirControl Acer yang mengandalkan built in kamera untuk mendeteksi gerakan tangan atau jari pengguna yang memungkinkan mengontrol penuh dari komputer.

“Menggabungkan kinerja yang unggul, hiburan 3D yang sangat baik, desain modern gaya, dan cara-cara baru yang menarik dari berinteraksi dengan PC, Acer Aspire Z5763 membuka pintu untuk komputasi generasi berikutnya,” tulis pernyataan resmi perusahaan dalam situs remsi mereka. Namun, hingga saat ini Acer belum secara resmi memberikan rincian apapun mengenai harga atau ketersediaan Z5763 Aspire. Diharapkan produk unggulan terbaru dari Acer ini tiba dalam beberapa minggu mendatang. (jimmyfernanda/BeritaNet.com)
BitDefender rilis tool gratis blokir Malware autorun

Vendor antivirus asal Rumania, BitDefender baru saja merilis perangkat gratis yang dirancang untuk melindungi komputer dan perangkat penyimpanan yang dapat dilepas dari malware autorun. BitDefender menjuluki aplikasi tersebut USB Immunizer aplikasi yang tidak memerlukan instalasi. Aplikasi tersebut merupakan sebuah aplikasi tunggal yang menyediakan antarmuka pengguna yang sederhana.

Pada dasarnya ada dua pilihan. Salah satunya adalah untuk mengimunisasi komputer, setara dengan menonaktifkan fitur autorun malware Windows. Kontrol untuk melakukan ini agak membingungkan karena pengguna akan ditanya apakah ingin mengimunisasi komputer dan hanya terdapat pilihan pengatur ON/OFF. Kebanyakan pengguna akan menganggap bahwa ON adalah untuk "ya, imunisasi komputer saya” dan OFF untuk “tidak”, tapi sepertinya maksud tersebut adalah terbalik karena mengacu pada keadaan AutorRun. Imunisasi komputer dicapai dengan memodifikasi kunci registry khusus untuk menonaktifkan autorun untuk semua perangkat kecuali optik (CD / DVD-ROM).

Opsi kedua yang ditawarkan program ini adalah mengimunisasi perangkat penyimpanan yang dapat dilepas pasang ke komputer. Terdapat daftar drop-down yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk memilih perangkat dan tekan sebuah tombol diimunisasi. Hal ini menciptakan sebuah folder bernama autorun.inf tersembunyi dan sistem membaca perangkat. Ini berisi sub-folder dan dua file kosong. Alasan di balik prosedur ini adalah untuk mencegah malware autorun dari menciptakan file autorun.inf jahat yang diperlukan untuk propagasi. Kabar buruknya, penyusup dapat melewati mekanisme perlindungan ini dengan menghapus folder autorun.inf yang telah dibuat. Untungnya, para peneliti BitDefender belum mengidentifikasi adanya malware yang mencoba secara rekursif menghapus folder ini dari perangkat penyimpanan USB. (jimmyfernanda/BeritaNet.com)
Jika Anda suka mengetik di sebuah touchscreen, mungkin Anda akan suka dengan Minebea Cool Leaf Keyboard ini. Cukup misterius, walaupun keyboard ini memiliki layar touchscreen yang besar, namun tidak memiliki kepandaian seperti yang dimiliki keyboard di laptop Razer. Sebagai contoh, membayangkan memasukkan sebuah video untuk number pad, atau mendesain layout keyboard Anda sendiri untuk task tertentu, atau bahkan menampilkan tool pallete untuk Photoshop. Jika disentuh, keyboard flat dan mengkilat ini akan menjadi lebih mudah terjaga kebersihannya. Ada di dalamnya sebuah magnet fingerprint yang menyebabkan mengkilat.

Hardware Minebea Cool Leaf Keyboard ini rencananya akan dirilis di Jepang, 13 Mei. Keyboard ini memiliki fasilitas USB dengan 108 tombol yang hanya bekerja dengan Windows. Namun, untuk versi Mac dan Jepang akan dirilis kemudian, dengan set karakter yang benar, termasuk untuk karakter English, German, French, dan Italian. Ketika keyboard dimatikan, permukaan keyboard akan memantul seperti cermin. Menurut rumor, keyboard ini akan dibandrol harga sebesar $245.(h_n)
Sebuah pameran besar Works of Industry of All Nations telah diselenggarakan di Crystal Palace, di Hyde Park, London tahun 1851. Event tersebut dikenal sebagai World’s Fair pertama, The Great Exhibition atau yang disebut Crystal Palace Exhibition. World’s Fair pertama diselenggarakan lima setengah bulan dari 1 Mei hingga 15 Oktober, 1851. Tanggal 30 April besok merupakan peringatan anniversary 160 tahun pembukaan pameran tersebut dan Google menaruhnya di doodle homepage miliknya.

Doodle Google memperingati event tersebut dalam element berbeda, dimana ketika gambar doodle disentuh akan muncul gambar yang lebih besar dan detail seperti menggunakan kaca pembesar.
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Laba Nintendo turun meski 3DS terjual jutaan unit

Selain mengumumkan penerus Wii yang baru, Nintendo juga mengungkapkan pendapatannya untuk kuartal terakhir tahun fiskal yang berakhir pada 31 Maret lalu. Nintendo juga menyertakan capaian angka penjualan untuk platform 3DS. Bila dilihat dari pendapatan yang diumumkan melalui laman resmi, Nintendo tidak berada dalam waktu yang terbaik. Hal ini disebabkan kerugian Nintendo yang mencapai 66 persen bila dibandingkan dengan tahun kemarin, sedangkan penjualan bersih turun sebesar 29,3 persen.

Nintendo belum melakukan terlalu baik dalam hal penjualan pada tahun lalu. Hal tersebut mencakup perangkat rumah Wii dan perangkat DS portabel yang belum mencapai penjualan sangat besar secara bersamaan dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Laba bersih yang dimiliki Nintendo selama 31 Maret 2010 hingga 31 Maret 2011 sebesar ¥ 77,6 milyar. Angka tersebut turun drastis bila dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya yang mencapai lebih dari ¥ 220 milyar. Dalam hal penjualan konsol, Nintendo mengungkapkan 3DS telah terjual 3,61 juta unit, yang masih jauh dari harapan perusahaan.

Nintendo juga menegaskan bahwa gempa bumi dan tsunami yang melanda Jepang pada awal Maret tidak memiliki efek langsung terhadap fasilitas produksi. Namun, musibah tersebut berdampak langsung dari pola konsumsi individu atau kondisi ekonomi di masa depan. Untuk itulah, Nintendo berniat memangkas harga untuk Nintendo Wii, sekitar $ 169,99 di bundel Wii hitam. Untuk 3DS, Nintendo berniat mendatangkan lebih banyak lagi game baru. (jimmyfernanda/BeritaNet.com)
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Sebuah pameran besar Works of Industry of All Nations telah diselenggarakan di Crystal Palace, di Hyde Park, London tahun 1851. Event tersebut dikenal sebagai World’s Fair pertama, The Great Exhibition atau yang disebut Crystal Palace Exhibition. World’s Fair pertama diselenggarakan lima setengah bulan dari 1 Mei hingga 15 Oktober, 1851. Tanggal 30 April besok merupakan peringatan anniversary 160 tahun pembukaan pameran tersebut dan Google menaruhnya di doodle homepage miliknya.

Doodle Google memperingati event tersebut dalam element berbeda, dimana ketika gambar doodle disentuh akan muncul gambar yang lebih besar dan detail seperti menggunakan kaca pembesar.
Jika tidak ada mouse komputer, Anda bisa mengandalkan keyboard menjadi mouse. Berikut trik membuat keyboard berlaku seperti mouse

1. Tekan yombol Alt (kiri), Shift (kiri) dan Numlock secara bersamaan. Pada laptop/netbook ditambah tombol Fn apabila tombol numlock merupakan fungsi kedua pada sebuah tombol.

2. Akan muncul kotak dialog Mousekeys, klik Settings dan centang pada “Use Mousekeys”, klik Ok.

3. Tombol angka keypad numerik yang biasanya ada di sebelah kanan keyboard sekarang bisa Anda gunakan sebagai mouse, walaupun lebih enak menggunakan mouse sebenarnya.

Berikut tips menggunakan tombol Mousekeys :

* Angka 1 : Arah Kiri Bawah
* Angka 2 : Arah Bawah
* Angka 3 : Arah Kanan Bawah
* Angka 4 : Arah Kiri
* Angka 5 : Klik Kiri
* Angka 6 : Arah Kanan
* Angka 7 : Arah Kiri Atas
* Angka 8 : Arah Atas
* Angka 9 : Arah Kanan Atas
* Angka 0 : Tahan Tombol Tertentu
* Tombol . : Melepas Tombol Tahan
* Tombol + : Klik Kiri Ganda (Double Click)
* Tombol Enter : Enter
* Tombol Numlock : Mengaktifkan dan Mematikan Mouse Keys
* Tombol / : Klik Kiri
* Tombol * : Klik Tengah
* Tombol – : Klik Kanan
Google Gmail Lab ini semakin menyempurnakan layanan email Gmail agar lebih efisien. Saat ini, Google menambah sebuah fitur Background Send baru di Gmail agar user dapat mengerjakan tugas lainnya sementara email dikiriman melalui background atau balik layar. Fitur Background Send ini dapat diaktifkan dengan mengakses pilihan Gmail Labs yang ada di Settings. Ketika sudah diaktifkan, yang harus dilakukan ketika akan mengirim email, klik Send dan kemudian melanjutkan mengecek email lainnya.

Yang terpenting adalah, jendela browser harus aktif ketika mengirim email. Dalam hal ini, Anda harus login dan koneksi Internet sedang aktif. Mengaktifkan Background Send, menekan tombol Send, namun kemudian mematikan PC atau Mac tidak menjamin apakah email Anda terkirim. Ketika alamat email salah atau ada masalah dalam pengiriman email di balik layar, maka Google akan memberikan pesan peringatan di bagian atas inbox user. Pesan peringatan tersebut akan memberikan pilihan kepada user, apakah ingin memperbaikinya sekarang atau nanti. Ketika pengiriman email sukses, user akan menerima pesan text bahwa pesan sudah dikirim, di bagian atas inbox.
Sebuah aplikasi berbahaya telah menyerang pengguna Facebook khususnya di Indonesia, hanya dalam tiga hari. Aplikasi penipu itu mengaku bisa melihat siapa saja yang telah melihat profil user. Menurut analisis dari Vaksincom, ada sekitar 750 ribu pengguna Facebook yang sudah terkena aplikasi penipu ini. Aplikasi yang diterbitkan oleh kelompok yang bernama “Jempolers Indonesia” tersebut benar-benar meyakinkan korbannya dengan mengirimkan tulisan di profil korban mengenai siapa saja yang seolah-olah sudah melihat profil Facebook korban. Secara otomatis, ketika aplikasi ini sudah dijalankan user, maka akan mengirimkan pesan Facebook Chat ke seluruh kontak teman user. Namun, menurut Vaksincom, sebenarnya aplikasi tersebut tidak ada dan data posting yang ditampilkan adalah data palsu yang mengambil data kontak profile dan menampilkan angka jumlah 'views' secara acak.
Google Android 2.3.4 Adds Video Chat
PC World

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* iPad Tracking? Play Video Apple Computer Video:iPad Tracking? ABC News
* Is Your iPhone Tracking You? Play Video Apple Computer Video:Is Your iPhone Tracking You? ABC News

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Daniel Ionescu Daniel Ionescu – Fri Apr 29, 9:56 am ET

Google on Thursday introduced video chatting capabilities to Android phones, akin to Face Time on Apple iOS devices, as part of version 2.3.4 of the mobile operating system. Other Android apps already offer video chatting capabilities, but Google has built the feature into the OS and also allows interoperability between Android phones and tablets and computers.

The video chatting feature has been integrated into the Google Talk application, and unlike Apple's Face Time, works over Wi-Fi and 3G/4G (as long as your carrier and data contract allows you).

A video or voice chat button will appear in the Google Talk friends list next to your contacts. While video chatting, any text chats from that person will also appear overlaid on the video. When switching to a different application while video chatting, video will be paused while audio will continue to run in the background.

Users of the Nexus S smartphone (built by Samsung for Google) are the first ones to receive the feature, as part of a new version of Android (2.3.4). Other Android 2.3 devices will receive the update incrementally (read slow), as usual, over the air.

"You can now video or voice chat with your friends, family and colleagues right from your Android phone, whether they're on their compatible Android tablet or phone, or using Gmail with Google Talk on their computer," Google's Product Manager Colin Gibbs and Wei Huang, tech lead, write on the official Google Mobile Blog.

This is similar to Apple's Face Time video chatting solution, which allows communication between front-facing camera-equipped iOS devices and Mac computers. But the advantage of Google's solution right now is PC compatibility (works with video chats from within Gmail on most browsers) and 3G/4G capabilities, as well as text on video overlay.

If you are searching for interoperability between iOS and Android video chatting, you can check out Fring, which not only connects Android and iOS (including iPhone 3G/S) users, but also works over 3G/4G and Wi-Fi and allows for group video chatting sessions of up to four people.

To see how Google Talk with video chat works, check out this explanatory video from Google
Microsoft stock tumbles after Windows sales dip

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Microsoft bumps pay to keep 'top talent' AFP/Getty Images/File – Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer delivers a speech in Las Vegas on January 2011. Microsoft said Friday it …

* Microsoft Slideshow:Microsoft

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^DJI 12,810.54 +47.23
^GSPC 1,363.61 0.00
^IXIC 2,873.54 0.00
– Fri Apr 29, 6:33 pm ET

SEATTLE (Reuters) – Microsoft Corp shares fell as much as 5 percent on Friday, a day after the software company reported a dip in its Windows operating system sales.

The world's second-largest tech company behind Apple Inc met Wall Street's profit estimate and beat on overall sales in its earnings report on Thursday.

But investors were concerned with lower personal computer sales nagging at Windows, Xbox sales bringing down profit margins and losses in its online business.

Microsoft shares closed down 3 percent at $25.92 on Nasdaq after a late-day rally. Earlier in the session they hit a low of $25.36, a 5 percent drop which would have been the largest one-day percentage fall since July 2009, had the shares closed at that level.

The shares ended around the level they were at on Monday, before a run-up leading into quarterly earnings. The stock had risen sharply after chip maker Intel Corp forecast revenue above Wall Street estimates, feeding optimism that a dip in PC sales last quarter did not indicate a long-term trend.

"Everyone, including myself, pounded the table on the Intel trade," said BGC Partners analyst Colin Gillis. "And it just didn't happen."

PC sales fell 1 percent last quarter, according to research firm Gartner [ID:nN13301394]. Microsoft's results reflected that, although it said business demand was outpacing weak consumer demand for PCs.

The stock is down 16 percent in the last 12 months, compared to a 16 percent gain in the Nasdaq.

"There were two catalysts for the sharp decline in Microsoft," said Joe Cusick, senior market analyst at Chicago-based online brokerage firm optionsXpress. "One, the stock broke through the 200-day moving average of $26.08, and UBS lowered their price target for the stock."

UBS analyst Brent Thill on Friday cut his price target on Microsoft to $32 from $35, citing the long-term threat posed by tablets to the traditional PC business.

"Even though they had good earnings, the PC market is under scrutiny and there continues to be uncertainty on whether or not Microsoft can compete with the growing tablet and handheld devices from the likes of Samsung and Motorola," said Cusick.

Options traders, many of whom placed bets on Microsoft shares jumping earlier in the week -- perhaps as a hedge to holding the stock in case of a decline -- moved into a more critical mode.

"There is nothing too rosy in Microsoft options trading on Friday compared to some of the bullish trades we saw ahead of earnings," said Caitlin Duffy, equity options analyst at Interactive Brokers Group in Greenwich, Connecticut.

"For the most part, we are seeing call selling in near-term options," she said, indicating traders are looking to get rid of their rights to buy the stock.

Overall, Microsoft analysts kept their faith that Microsoft will survive a rough patch in PC sales. Twenty-five of 35 analysts polled by StarMine recommend buying the stock. Only one says sell.

As a result of Microsoft's decline, it is close to being eclipsed by old foe IBM in terms of market value. Apple, which overtook Microsoft last year, is the most valuable U.S. tech company at $321 billion, Microsoft is second at $225 billion and IBM is third at $207 billion.

(Reporting by Bill Rigby and Doris Frankel. Editing by Robert MacMillan, Bernard Orr)
ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) – Research In Motion announced two upgraded BlackBerry Bold smartphones plus a updated operating system on Monday as it sought to regain its stride after a profit warning.

RIM said the phones would have more processing power than the original Torch, which RIM touted as a worthy competitor to the iPhone back in August when it last updated its aging platform.

The Canadian company also launched a video chat application for its recently launched PlayBook tablet computer.

RIM stunned investors with a profit warning last week, just a month after giving a dismal outlook. It said sales of its aging phones lagged, especially in the vital U.S. market and Latin America, as Apple and Google powered on.

(Reporting by Alastair Sharp)
SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) – Google is the new darling of software wizards out to cash-in on the world's love for customizing smartphones with fun, hip or functional applications.

Developers once obsessed with "apps" for Apple's hot-selling iPhones are touting creations tailored for smartphones built on the Google-backed Android platform.

"In the past seven months, Android has become the de facto second platform out there that people are developing for," AppNation chairman Drew Ianni told AFP during the gathering of software entrepreneurs this week in San Francisco.

"I think there is a general wait-and-see interest regarding platforms outside of Apple iOS and Android," he added.

Mobile platforms being watched by developers include BlackBerry, Microsoft Windows Phone 7 and Hewlett-Packard's webOS.

Ianni expected smartphones based on Microsoft or HP software to increase in allure as they gain traction in the market.

"We need a third platform that is viable, otherwise it is going to be the Android show," Urban Airship chief executive Scott Kveton said after taking part in an AppNation panel.

"Android is growing at a phenomenal rate," he continued. "I'm afraid it is going to be Android running away with it."

Urban Airship provides tools that help developers make money from smartphone programs. Early in April the Oregon-based company added a feature allowing people to make purchases inside Android applications.

"Increasingly, people are finding it a good investment to build for Android and build for tablets and we are trying to support them," Google director of mobile Americas Jason Spero said after an on-stage chat at AppNation.

Android's share of the US smartphone market has surged this year while BlackBerry's sunk, according to recent figures from industry tracker comScore.

Android commanded a third of the market, while BlackBerry ranked second with 29 percent and Apple third with 25 percent, comScore reported.

"Almost everyone developing for iPhone has moved on to Android," said Mario Tapia, director of mobile products at application store GetJar and coordinator of a Mobile Mondays social group for developers in Silicon Valley.

"At the end of the day, it is about distribution," he added. "You move to where the audience is."

Apple had slightly more that 333,000 iPhone applications in its App Store in March, but Google's Android Market boasted 206,000 "apps" and was growing fast, according to figures from industry tracker Distimo.

"The Android Market is going to take over as biggest application store in terms of quantity of apps in about five months," Distimo researchers concluded.

Distimo predicted that Apple's App Store would be relegated to second place, followed by Windows Phone 7 Marketplace and BlackBerry App World.

Windows Phone 7 Marketplace had about 12,000 applications in March while Nokia Ovi Store had 30,000 and BlackBerry had 27,000, according to Distimo.

Distimo expected Windows 7 Marketplace to leap ahead of BlackBerry and Ovi by October.

"If Apple has 150 million iOS devices out there it is almost a no-brainer, you write for iOS," said analyst Tim Bajarin of Creative Strategies.

"You see Android coming up the line, and that is almost a no-brainer," he continued. "Where it becomes tougher is making the next step to go after webOS or BlackBerry or whatever with limited money and talent."

Independent application operations typically have only a few, if not just one, software developer, according to Bajarin.

Finding ways to get noticed and make money in a sea of more than 600,000 smartphone applications were hot topics at AppNation.

Attendance at the event grew to 1,700 this year from 1,100 at its premier in San Francisco last year. The number of exhibitors grew to 210 from 80.

Opera Mobile Store that spans more than 200 countries launched an "Appcelerator" program at AppNation to help developers promote and profit from software creations.

"The apps here are great," said Opera Software consumer mobile executive vice president Mahi de Silva. "You are seeing the tip of the iceberg in innovation."

Advertisers are increasingly tuning into the potential to target consumers on smartphones and tablet computers.

"There is no question that ultimately, this is probably the most powerful vehicle for ads that we've ever had," Bajarin said. "Television was obviously significant but if I can do location-based services tied to ads this changes the dynamics of advertising completely."

Mobile ads are more effective for advertisers and can translate into more money for developers, according to Lisa Abramson, director of marketing at mobile video ad network Rhythm New Media.

"Consumers love free and the best way to monetize that is through advertising," Abramson said.

Developers can also make money from in-application transactions, selling virtual goods, or simply charging for software.

"It becomes a collage of monetization mechanisms," Spero said. "Each developer has to be an expert on what their audience has a tolerance for."
NetworkView 3.62
2011/5/2 11:47:29 (29 downloads)

NetworkView is a compact network discovery and management tool for the Windows 32 and 64 bit platforms : in a few minutes, it will discover all TCP/IP nodes and draw a full graphical map (including routes) using DNS, MAC Addresses, SNMP, NetBIOS, WMI and TCP Ports information. It can also poll the network and send an email when nodes are unreachable. With more than 48000 entries in its SNMP and MAC addresses databases, it can be used from a USB key. Full print and print preview capabilities for maps and lists.
Smashing New X-Men First Class Theatrical Trailer
Comic Book Movie News, Featured, Videos, X-Men: First Class (2011) Movie — By NixgravatarcloseAuthor: Nix Name: Nix
Email: nix@beyondhollywood.com
Site: http://www.beyondhollywood.com
About: Editor and Contributing Writer at BeyondHollywood.com. Likes: Long walks on the beach. Kevin Costner post-apocalyptic movies. Dislikes: Shaky cam with quick cutting in 3D.See Authors Posts (10105) on April 27, 2011

I absolutely love this new theatrical trailer for Matthew Vaughn’s “X-Men: First Class”. It’s got the pitch-perfect balance of action, pathos, and that soundtrack is just killer without going overboard. Check it out and witness the birth of a badass Magneto as played by (Hey, that’s) Michael Fassbender.

“X-Men: First Class” charts the epic beginning of the X-Men saga, and reveals a secret history of famous global events. Before mutants had revealed themselves to the world, and before Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr took the names Professor X and Magneto, they were two young men discovering their powers for the first time. Not archenemies, they were instead at first the closest of friends, working together with other Mutants (some familiar, some new), to stop Armageddon. In the process, a grave rift between them opened, which began the eternal war between Magneto’s Brotherhood and Professor X’s X-Men.

Also starring January Jones, James McAvoy, Nicholas Hoult, Kevin Bacon, Jason Flemyng, Rose Byrne, Jennifer Lawrence, Lucas Till, Zoë Kravitz, Oliver Platt, Morgan Lily, Edi Gathegi, and Caleb Landry Jones.

The fit hits the shan June 3, 2011.
The Avengers Villains Revealed? Possibly. SPOILERS!
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) Movie, Comic Book Movie News, Sci-Fi Movie News, The Avengers (2012) Movie, Thor (2011) Movie — By NixgravatarcloseAuthor: Nix Name: Nix
Email: nix@beyondhollywood.com
Site: http://www.beyondhollywood.com
About: Editor and Contributing Writer at BeyondHollywood.com. Likes: Long walks on the beach. Kevin Costner post-apocalyptic movies. Dislikes: Shaky cam with quick cutting in 3D.See Authors Posts (10105) on March 2, 2011 50 0shareshare

If you’ve been reading the site for any length of time now, you know that we’ve been speculating on which villains will be menacing planet Earth — a villain (or villains) so dastardly, so powerful, that he/she/they require the combined might of Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, and The Hulk (not to mention the Black Widow, Hawkeye, and SHIELD) to stop. Through it all, one possibility has always surfaced, but for the sake of those who wishes not to be spoiled by this latest rumor, I caution you — SPOILERS AHOY!

Well, potential spoilers, anyway. But spoilers nevertheless.

According to the boys at AICN, Joss Whedon, the head honcho bringing “The Avengers” to the big screen, has shot a teaser trailer for “The Avengers” that will be tacked on to either “Thor” or “Captain America”, or possibly both. (I’m going with both. What would be the point of NOT including it in both?)

And who will be in that “Avengers” teaser trailer? According to AICN, with input from the boys at Latino Review, it will be Loki (Tom Hiddleston), who will, we’re told, “bring in The Skrulls”.

This is not a big surprise (if true). For the longest time, the Skrulls have always been the perfect villains for an Avengers movie. Who/what else could possibly unite such a formidable force, after all, but an intergalactic alien invasion by a super-powered alien race? Plus, alien invasion movies are in nowadays, doncha know, so there’s that, too. The inclusion of Loki as some kind of “behind the scenes” mastermind is a nice touch.

So what do you think? If this is true, would The Skrulls + Loki as villains in the first “Avengers” movie tickle your fancy?
Thor - movie review
Thor - movie review
Thor (2011)
Thor (2011)
Thor (2011)
Thor (2011)
Thor (2011)
Thor (2011)
Thor (2011)
Thor (2011)
Thor (2011)
Thor (2011)
Thor (2011)
Thor (2011)
Thor (2011)
Thor (2011)

by clembastow on Apr 18 2011, 06:00AM
Sandwiched in the multiplex between his Avengers comrades Iron Man (2) and Captain America, the latest Marvel superhero to take to the big-screen is Thor.

Unlike some of his predecessors, in the hands of director Kenneth Branagh and star Chris Hemsworth, Stan Lee's most godly son is a welcome addition to the cinematic superhero pantheon.

Having brought war to the peaceful realm of Asgard, the cocky Thor (Chris Hemsworth) is banished to Midgard (otherwise known as Earth) by his furious father, Odin (Anthony Hopkins), despite the best calming efforts of his brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston). In banishing his son, Odin casts a spell upon Thor's hammer, Mjölnir, so that it will only impart its powers on a worthy bearer.

In other words, Thor has to go and think long and hard about what he's done.

There's plenty of time to do that on Earth, where he meets - i.e. is nearly run over by - Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), a scientist who has been investigating electrical storms in New Mexico. Soon enough the S.H.I.E.L.D suits (led by Clark Gregg as the perfectly smarmy Agent Coulson from both Iron Man installments) are on his case, too.

As if that wasn't enough for an off-duty Norse god to deal with, Loki assumes the throne in Asgard and creates havoc in both realms. He invites the Frost Giants, hungry for vengeance, across the Bifröst into Asgard, sends The Destroyer (seemingly the love child of a radiant heater and Gort from The Day The Earth Stood Still) to Earth, and Thor soon has his work cut out for him.

It's a tidy story arc, as these origin/reboot films tend to be, but Thor never feels underfed, thanks to an impressive cast, a snappy script and thoughtful direction from Kenneth Branagh.

When he was announced as director (after Matthew Vaughan dropped out), Shakespeare expert Branagh must have felt like an odd fit in many comic fans' eyes, but in fact he brings a reverence for the source material that is compelling.

After all, what are comic books if not epic mythic narratives? Superhero stories have more in common with the work of The Globe's finest than many would like to admit: tragedy, comedy, pathos. And Thor, blessed additionally with its grounding in the great Norse myths, perhaps has even more in common.

Hemsworth is wonderful as the hero, effortlessly traversing Thor's journey from magical jock douche to someone more worthy of Mjölnir's powers.

Much is made, by Odin and others, of Thor's being little more than a hot-headed "boy", and Hemsworth finds the perfect mix of youthful arrogance and childlike innocence.

Without infantilising him (which, let's face it, would be a fairly stupid actorly choice given his physical appearance), Hemsworth gives Thor a vulnerability that is appealing. When Loki appears at the S.H.I.E.L.D. base to inform his brother of the terms of his banishment, Thor's eyes well with tears and he asks only, "Can I come home?" It's simple and moving.

Hiddleston is terrific as Loki, a slimy, super-powered version of Shakespeare's Edmund. Like that (literal) bastard, Hiddleston's Loki is a curiously sympathetic antagonist, never falling into caricatured evil.

As Jane Foster (a nurse in the comics, updated here to an astrophysicist), Portman is sparky and appealing; her scenes with Stellan Skarsgård (as her colleague, Erik) and Kat Dennings (as the deadpanning intern, Darcy) have a breezy, natural rhythm.

The cast is so uniformly strong that it would take too much space to praise them all individually, but in particular, The Wire's Idris Elba is imposing as gatekeeper Heimdall, Anthony Hopkins underplays (uncharacteristically) as the alternately mournful and hot-blooded Odin, and there's a nifty pre-Avengers cameo for Jeremy Renner as an unnamed Clint Barton/Hawkeye.

Too often there seems to be a desire among filmmakers to look askance at comic book lore, as though they need to cram in as many winking gags as possible to say to the bro dudes in the audience, "Hey, don't worry dudes, we made this for you, not those Poindexters down the comic shop."

To his credit, Branagh avoids this, though not at the expense of fun; indeed, Thor is frequently hilarious, but the humour comes from a genuine affection for the occasionally silly tropes of the comic books, not misguided "irony".

(A sequence in which a parade of local rednecks use Thor's buried hammer as a strength-tester to the tune of Billy Swan's I Can Help is particularly fun.)

One of the few weaknesses of the film is the skipping back and forth between Earth and Asgard. Just as the action in either realm gets on a roll, it's back to the other.

At times, the Asgard sequences teeter on the brink of unwatchable, not because they are bad, but because there is so much to see that your eyes begin to short-circuit.

The Bifröst by itself? Fine! A shimmering ocean? Cool! Awesome castles? Why not! Throw them all together in 3D and the legendary realm is such a smorgasbord of visual riches it almost cancels itself out. It's a testament to Branagh and his creative team, however, that within that "almost" lie some of the most impressively realised vistas in recent memory.

(The 3D cinematography is used unobtrusively and serves to be more immersive than flashy.)

In many ways, and despite its awe-inspiring visuals, Thor feels like a film out of its time; it almost has more in common in with the rollicking adventures of the 1930s and '40s than the hip superhero reboots of the 21st century.

That mood is reflected in a variety of ways. The frost giants, led by Colm Feore as Laufey, are predominantly played (at least in close-up) by actual actors in makeup, which is a relief - there's something so much more satisfying about a villain who isn't just a computer construct.

Under Branagh's guiding hand, Thor and his band of friends - Sif and the Warriors Three - carry on like Errol Flynn-era heroes, clapping each other on the shoulder in greeting and over-emoting just enough to set them apart from us mere Earthlings. It's charming.

More broadly, though, Thor has a real emotional depth - it's unusually soulful for a superhero film. Yes, Christopher Nolan's Batman efforts had a similar sensitivity, though it came from a darker and, thus, ultimately less interesting place; Thor is more bittersweet. There's a hopefulness to the film, particularly its ending, that verges on elegiac.

The inevitable Avengers film (expected in 2012) has given the most recent individual origin films an episodic quality, but where Iron Man 2 suffered for that - and one suspects the upcoming Captain America will also - Thor avoids feeling like a placeholder. Instead of leaving the cinema irritated, unwilling to wait for his next adventure, you feel buoyed.

A winning blend of thrill and feeling, respect and irreverence, Thor lifts Marvel's movie stocks considerably.

Your move, DC.

- Four stars

Thor opens in cinemas on Thursday, April 21.
Kungfu Panda 2

Setelah merilis trailer baru minggu lalu, kali ini DreamWorks Animation merilis 4 poster terbaru yang memperlihatkan karakter-karakter baru untuk sekuel Kung Fu Panda, yakni “Kung Fu Panda 2.” Film animasi ini akan dibintangi oleh pemain-pemain lamanya seperti Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Seth Rogen, Lucy Lui, David Cross, Jackie Chan dan Dustin Hoffman.
Film animasi yang juga menghadirkan suara-suara dari Gary Oldman, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Michelle Yeoh dan Victor Garber ini akan menceritakan Po yang telah mencapai impiannya menjadi Dragon Warrior. Sebagai Dragon Warrior dia pun punya tanggung jawab menjaga desanya, Valley of Peace, dibantu oleh teman-temannya dan sesama jago kungfu, "The Furious Five" – Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper dan Monkey.
Kehidupan Po yang damai pun mulai terusik dengan munculnya musuh baru, yang punya rencana untuk menggunakan senjata rahasia yang tidak terkalahkan dalam upayanya menguasai seluruh daratan China dan menghancurkan kungfu. Sudah menjadi tugas Po dan The Furious Five untuk menghentikannya, mereka pun akan melintasi China untuk menantang musuh baru ini dan mengalahkannya.
Tetapi bagaimana Po mampu mengalahkan senjata yang tidak terkalahkan tersebut? Po harus melihat kembali masa lalunya dan mengungkap rahasia dari misteri asal usulnya, jika berhasil barulah dia bisa membuka kekuatan yang selama ini tersembunyi. “Kung Fu Panda 2” dijadwalkan tayang pada 27 May 2011 dan disutradarai oleh Jennifer Yuh.
Berikut adalah tokoh baru dalam Kung Fu Panda 2 :
Soothsayer sudah lama menjadi penasehat untuk penguasa kota Gongmen, dia sangat bijaksana dan diberkahi dengan penglihatan ke masa depan.
Lord Shen sangat pintar, sangat berbahaya, dan juga dipenuhi dengan ambisi yang berapi-api. Ketiga kombinasi tersebut bersatu dan akhirnya membuat Shen ingin menghancurkan kungfu dan menguasai China, akhirnya dia akan berhadapan dengan Po dan kelima temannya.
The Wolf Bossdan pasukannya dulunya penjaga istana kota Gongmen. Sekarang dia adalah abdi paling setia yang dimiliki Lord Shen, tangan kanannya dan juga ahli dalam strategi militer.
Gorillas adalah yang terkuat di pasukan milik Lord Shen, jika ada pekerjaan berat yang diperlukan maka mereka lah yang akan berada dibarisan depan, pengawal pribadi Lord Shen juga terdiri dari para Gorilla ini yang sangat tunduk dengan masternya.
Rio Movie Review

Animated flick starring Jesse Eisenberg and Anne Hathaway is enjoyable enough
It may be considered infantile by some, and can be held to a lower standard than its alternative, but in general, the animated movie is hard to hate or resist. Like the appeal of fantasy and science fiction is providing a magical world more intriguing than the mundane one, animation can, for an hour or two, replace worries of politics and finance with ecstatic images of intelligent animals and unknown creatures. Even the weaker ones can have a touch of liveliness and colour.
Rio, released on the 8th April 2011, may not be a fantastic film, with its tendency to plop annoying clichés onto its script and a lack of interesting characters, but it still manages to entertain and has its heart in the right place.
Prepare for Carnivale
Blu (Jesse Eisenberg) is a blue macaw that has spent a blissful life with the bookish Linda (Leslie Mann), but thanks to bird scientist Tulio (Rodrigo Santaro), he learns he is the last male of his kind and thus must go to Rio to mate with the female macaw Jewel (Anne Hathaway). The two birds have little in common but are forced to bond when captured by poachers and chained together. They plan to escape and reunite Blu with Linda, but this is complicated by the fact Blu cannot fly.
It is an interesting enough story, if not somewhat similar to Alpha and Omega, but there are certainly hiccups along the way. There are some of the more annoying clichés of children’s movies – the streetwise orphan who wants a family, the bungling thieves who pose no real threat, the comic relief characters playing matchmaker toward the protagonists – and common pitfalls of latter-day animation, with a few jokes about posteriors, and monkey henchmen as annoyingly faux-adorable as Despicable Me’s minions, though not as prominent. Some moments even result in being embarrassing, most of them revolving around Tulio and Linda’s relationship; the pair spend a good part of the finale in flamboyant bird costumes, which lessens the emotional impact of Blu’s reunion.
Even with the script’s flaws, the story is still told with an abundance of energy and joy. It rarely takes itself seriously, instead opting to have fun with its setting. Blu flying is a predictable and rather contrived element, but that scene still manages to uplift. Rio’s biggest success is in being a ‘feel-good film’ with certain scenes reminding of a great family holiday, or even an especially good night at the pub with friends. One scene in particular is one set in a club for birds – with its fast-paced music and brightly-lit action, it may make the audience want to dance along with the characters.
Sadly, the main weakness of Rio is with its main character, who is barely sympathetic. He begins the movie delivering sarcastic remarks like an avian Garfield and is whiny and annoying when chained to Jewel. Like the title character of last month’s Rango, he is a pet forced to face the wider world but lacks Rango’s more endearing qualities. Rango may very well be Rio’s evil twin, exchanging bright beaches for depressing deserts and cute critters for curmudgeonly creatures. Rio may succeed in being more joyful and heartwarming than Rango, but it lacks the bonuses for adults that earlier release had.
Welcome to Brazil
The world of the film is beautifully realised and is worth watching at the cinema for the visuals alone. Rio de Janeiro itself is the film’s standout character, its cities and jungles brought to life with meticulous detail. The aforementioned club is bathed in a wide palette that accentuates its heart, and the Carnivale near the end is filled with spectacle.
The performances are generally average. Eisenberg does his best, but the neurotic voice he bestows Blu makes the character less endearing. Hathaway, however, craftily creates a fierce and independent character that still has some compassion. The poachers may be moronic villains of the Home Alone variety, but Jemaine Clement’s malicious cockatoo Nigel, aiming to be as sinisterly sophisticated as Disney’s Scar, is a decent antagonist.
Facebook Ambil Alih Aplikasi Snaptu
Sunday, April 3, 2011

LONDON, KOMPAS.com — Facebook makin memperkuat cengkeramannya untuk mengendalikan aplikasi jejaring sosial di ponsel. Setelah melakukan beberapa pendekatan untuk masuk ke layanan mobile, antara lain mendorong produksi ponsel dengan menu khusus Facebook, kali ini penyedia layanan jejaring sosial dari Palo Alto, California, AS, itu juga mengakuisisi Snaptu.

"Tim Snaptu dengan bangga mengumumkan kalau hari ini kami telah setuju untuk diakuisisi Facebook," tulis mereka di blog Snaptu, Minggu (20/3/2011). Namun, tidak dijelaskan lebih lanjut berapa besar nilai akuisisi tersebut. Mereka hanya mengatakan bahwa proses akuisisi akan selesai dalam beberapa minggu ke depan.
Disebutkan pula bahwa dengan bergabung bersama Facebook, Snaptu akan berkembang semakin cepat dan menjangkau pengguna lebih banyak. Snaptu akan segera merilis fitur baru menyusul akuisisi ini agar dapat digunakan untuk mengakses Facebook lebih sempurna di semua jenis ponsel.

Snaptu merupakan aplikasi yang bisa dijalankan di ponsel dengan berbagai platform untuk mengakses layanan-layanan berbasis jejaring, seperti Facebook, Twitter, dan Picasa. Snaptu kali pertama dikembangkan pada tahun 2007 dan berbasis di London, Inggris. Tujuan utama Snaptu adalah menyediakan layanan internet di ponsel kepada para pengguna yang belum terjangkau smartphone.

Sebelum diakuisisi, Snaptu telah menjalin kerja sama dengan Facebook untuk mengembangkan aplikasi Facebook untuk diakses di ponsel kelas menengah ke bawah. Aplikasi bernama Facebook for Feature Phone itu mendukung 2.500 model atau tipe handset ponsel untuk menjangkau jutaan pengguna telepon seluler di berbagai negara berkembang.

Asus G73Jw: Speedy, Smooth, Feature-Rich Laptop Is Sabotaged by an Awful Keyboard

Asus G73Jw Review, by Sarah Jacobsson Purewal November 10, 2010

Gamers looking for a powerful yet portable machine can stop looking. The Asus G73Jw is here. It's only a mild update to Asus's most recent previous lean, mean, gaming machine, the G73Jh. But with a slightly faster processor (a 1.73GHz Core i7 740QM vs. a 1.6GHz 720QM), a Blu-ray combo drive, and improved battery life (2.5 hours vs. 1.75 hours), the G73Jw is definitely an upgrade. Unfortunately, Asus didn't redesign the notebook's exterior features at all, and the keyboard remains a serious weakness.

Our review model, priced at $1745 as of November 10, 2010, features the 1.73GHz Q740 i7 processor, 8GB of RAM, 1TB of space (spread over two hard drives), and the 64-bit version of Windows 7 Home Premium. It also has twin rear exhaust fans (for effective heat dissipation), an Nvidia GeForce GTX 460M graphics card, a 2-megapixel Webcam, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, a USB 3.0 port, and a Blu-ray combo drive.

The G73Jw looks exactly like the earlier G73Jh. It weighs a hefty 8.8 pounds (though is less of a burden to carry if you stow it in the Asus Republic of Gamers laptop backpack, which came bundled with our model) and measures 16.6 inches wide by 12.8 inches long by 2.3 inches thick. The G73Jw's power brick is considerably lighter than power bricks of some competing high-power desktop replacement laptops (the HP Elitebook 8740w comes to mind), but it still adds 2 pounds to your bag if you decide to carry this monster around.

Asus houses the G73Jw in a dark gray chassis that tapers off at an angle on all sides. A rubbery, fingerprint-resistant dark gray material covers the lid and makes it easy to grip. I didn't test it , but the rubbery material seems likely to be much more prone to scratching from normally nonthreatening metal objects (such as paperclips and keys) than a typical hard-plastic lid is.

The G73Jw has much the same array of ports as other notebooks in its league. Its shining feature is a USB 3.0 port, but it also has three USB 2.0 ports, an HDMI output, a VGA output, an ethernet port, microphone and headphone jacks, and an eight-in-one card reader. It lacks an ExpressCard slot and eSATA ports, but most people aren't looking for these in a laptop today. The G73Jw also carries a Blu-ray combo drive, which is perfect for your HD movie needs.

The G73Jw's keyboard is one of the worst I've seen--a huge disappointment in a gaming-oriented desktop replacement. Most 17-inch notebooks have great (or at least well-laid-out) keyboards, but the G73Jw's keyboard is cramped, slippery, and generally frustrating to type on.

The interior of the notebook is as smooth and minimalist as the exterior--and in this case, that's not a good thing. A wide (at least 1.5 inches on either side) dark gray bezel surrounds the keyboard, which is crammed together at the center of the notebook. The keys are small and hard, and they offer virtually no tactile feedback for both typists and gamers, who depend on it. The tiny size of the keys on the Chiclet-style keyboard wouldn't be such a problem if they weren't so smooth and so closely packed together. The close proximity combined with the smooth surfaces guarantees that your fingers will repeatedly slip off one key and onto another.

The arrow keys and separate number pad keys--frequently used by gamers--are squashed in next to the regular keyboard and are even smaller than the regular keys. If you plan on doing anything more on this computer than watch movies or casually surf the Internet, you'd better spring for an external keyboard.

Asus may have missed the keyboard memo, but it certainly got the trackpad right: It's enormous and comes with two separate, easy-to-use buttons below it. The buttons offer plenty of feedback, and the trackpad supports multitouch gestures.

The 17.3-inch, 1920-by-1080-pixel screen is gorgeous, with bright illumination, rich colors, and deep contrast. Everything, from movies to spreadsheets to Starcraft II looks good under most conditions. The glossiness helps the colors look crisp, but it also produce some annoying reflections if you're sitting in bright sunlight. Realistically, though, you're unlikely ever to be sitting in bright sunlight with this 8-pound laptop.

Video playback was very good. High-def streaming video played perfectly, and Blu-ray discs looked fantastic. Audio was quite satisfactory, considering that laptops aren't known for their speakers. The G73Jw's speakers are situated just above the keyboard and deliver full, loud sound.

Gamers will love almost everything about this laptop, from its speedy processor to its Blu-ray combo drive to its sexy, futuristic styling. Unfortunately, the keyboard is a glaring deficiency, and after dropping $1745 on this machine, you may bridle at buying an extra keyboard. So unless you already have your peripherals lined up (or you've figured out a way to game without using a keyboard...Peregrine Gaming Glove, anyone?), the Asus G73Jw may not be for you.
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PCWorld Rating
/ 5 - PCWorld, Jul 13, 2010
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* Lightweight for its class, even with optical drive
* 1080p display


* Only three USB ports; one is a combo port
* 80GB solid-state drive is small

Bottom Line

Micro Express delivers a surprisingly robust 15-inch laptop with true 1080p display and a DVD drive at well under 6 pounds.

Would you buy this Laptop Computer? YES35 NO24
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Micro Express NBL60: Pleasantly Unassuming Laptop

Micro Express NBL60 Review, by Loyd Case July 13, 2010

Micro Express ships this lightweight, unassuming-looking, 15-inch laptop with a robust feature set and a moderate price. The $1199 unit boasts an Intel Core i7-620M high-end dual core CPU under the hood, switchable graphics, an 80GB Intel X25M solid-state drive, and 4GB of DDR3-1066 memory.

What's more, though the NBL60's case looks ordinary (the unit is a standard 1 to 1.25 inches thick and has an unadorned black glossy exterior), it weighs just 5 pounds 10 ounces, sans power adapter--a surprisingly low number for a unit with an optical drive and a true 1080p display. The power brick adds a pound.

The laptop's performance is a little above average for its class (All-Purpose Laptops), posting a PC WorldBench 6 score of 123. This mark may seem low for a system with the NBL60's specs, but the laptop's use of switchable graphics may help explain it. The NBL60 has both Intel integrated graphics (to maximize battery life) and AMD's Mobility Radeon HD 5650 (for more-substantial graphics horsepower). As a result, however, nearly 1GB of the laptop's 4GB of system RAM is reserved for graphics.

The NBL60 also manages to cram a full numeric keypad into the main body, though Micro Express had to make some sacrifices. For example, if you press the Numlock key, you lose access to the larger navigation keys, including PgDn and PgUp--both of which are very useful in editing spreadsheets. You can press and hold the Shift key to use the navigation keys temporarily.

Typing on this keyboard is a distinct pleasure. The keys are responsive and don't requiring excessive force. We did notice one odd glitch, however: Just Cause 2, a recently released PC game, refused to recognize the main or numeric keypad's Enter key--so you can't play the game. Other games (such as Tom Clancy's HAWX) that use the Enter key played normally, so the Just Cause 2 problem is even more inexplicable and strange.

The NBL60's connectivity options are quite good. You get 802.11n, gigabit ethernet, and Bluetooth; only wireless 3G/4G broadband is missing. The 802.11n connection delivered impressively fast performance, installing very large applications and restoring a voluminous Steam games backup impressively quickly.

The NBL60 ships with a solid-state drive--but at 80GB, it's pretty puny by today's standards.In fact, loading six current-generation games consumed 95 percent of the system's available disk space. And even if you're not a gamer, you'll likely eat up the free disk space quickly with photographs, digital media, and other big files. Exacerbating the situation is the 15GB dedicated to the restore partition, which leaves only about 60GB for user data (after Windows takes its share, of course).

Expansion options are limited to two dedicated USB ports on the right side and one combo eSATA/USB port on the left. Video options include HDMI and VGA on the left side, which also houses the ethernet port. A five-in-one memory card reader is built into the front of the unit, and audio input and output jacks are adjacent to the pair of USB ports on the right side.

Video quality was superb in our tests. Upscaled DVD movies looked excellent, though off-axis viewing degraded quickly. In fact, the DVD upscaling was among the best we've seen, with little artifacting and few noticeable errors. High-defintion content, played through WMV HD files, looked great, too. This unit cries out for a built-in Blu-ray disc drive.

Audio playback quality is fairly neutral and pleasing, but it sounded quite thin, lacking bass and midrange-bass oomph.

Overall, I was quite impressed with the NBL60, though the skimpy disk space may be a problem for many users. On the other hand, you can probably spec a higher-capacity traditional hard drive and pay even less money. If you're looking for a solid, unassuming 15-inch laptop with an excellent display and keyboard, the NBL60 could be a strong candidate.
Alienware M11x Revision 2: New Internal Hardware Improves Performance

Alienware M11x (second revision) Review, by Jason Cross August 16, 2010

In my review of the original Alienware M11x, I called the system a revelation for gamers: Finally, here was an ultraportable laptop with enough muscle to play the latest games at good quality and performance levels and without worrying about anemic battery life. Recently, Alienware updated the M11x with new internal hardware, swapping out the ultra-low-voltage Core 2 Duo chips for Intel's Core i5 and i7 ULV chips, and adding nVidia's Optimus automatic graphics switching technology.

Consider this review an update to my previous one. The new M11x is cosmetically identical to its predecessor: It has the same screen, the same case, the same keyboard with AlienFX lighting, the same ports, the same weight...you get the idea. The big change is the switch from Core 2 Duo CPUs (my previous test unit had an overclocked Core 2 Duo SU7300) to Core i5 and i7 CPUs (this test unit has a 1.2GHz Core i7 640UM ultra-low-voltage CPU). It also has 4GB of RAM, a 500GB hard drive, and the same 1GB nVidia GeForce GT335M mobile discrete graphics chip found in the previous model. Prices start at $799, but the Core i5-equipped models start at $949, and our test configuration comes in at $1299.

The new CPU makes a significant difference in performance. The WorldBench 6 score increased from 77 to 91, and frame rates in games jumped anywhere from 10 percent to more than 25 percent, depending on the game. This leap comes at a cost, however. The integrated, nonremovable eight-cell battery in the original M11x provided almost 7.5 hours of battery life in our tests. This new test unit has the same battery, but it ran out of juice in about 5 hours. Because we weigh battery life heavily in scoring the performance of ultraportable laptops, this lower mark resulted in a very slight reduction in the overall performance score (from 84 for the original M11x to 83 for Revision 2). Be aware that this change in overall performance score is entirely the result of reduced battery life, and that the new M11x does indeed deliver considerably more power. If you opt for the Core i5 version rather than the Core i7 version that I tested, you'll probably get slightly longer battery life.

Though the old M11x had switchable graphics, a manual toggle controlled switching. The new systems incorporate nVidia's Optimus automatic graphics switching technology. When you use a program that might benefit from the discrete GPU (such as a game or a high-definition video), the graphics processor automatically kicks in, with no screen flicker, no pause, no discernable difference at all except for better performance. This is a great addition, but it introduced a minor technical problem that you, as a user, probably won't ever encounter. In running WorldBench 6, our test system would consistently crash during the 3ds Max tests. Updating to an early beta version of nVidia's upcoming driver solved the problem.

Overall, Alienware's update of the M11x makes the system even more attractive. The hit in battery life is substantial between my original test unit and this new one (I would probably opt for the Core i5 version to save a few watts), but 5 hours is still quite respectable for any laptop and you'd be hard pressed to find another system of this size and weight with such good game performance.
Clevo X8100 Gaming Laptop: Great Performance, but Large and Unwieldy

AVADirect Clevo X8100 Core i7 Gaming Notebook Review, by Loyd Case June 4, 2010

AVADirect Clevo X8100 gaming laptopWhen I unpacked the AVADirect Clevo X8100, I coined a new acronym: LINO, for "laptop in name only."

It's hard to describe just how massive the Clevo X8100 is. I can tell you that this laptop ships with a bright, colorful 18.4-inch display. I'll also mention that it weighs 12.5 pounds, without the power brick (it's almost 15 pounds with the 220W power supply). But no words can prepare you for the overall heft of this beast. The problem is isn't so much the weight as it is the balance: Toting the Clevo is awkward. You should use the included carrying case, even when moving the unit relatively short distances.

I'll hit the high points first. The 18.4-inch, LED-backlit LCD screen is one of the better ones we've seen on a mobile PC. Colors are richly saturated, and side-to-side viewing angles are surprisingly good for a laptop. Vertical viewing angles are lacking, but that's pretty typical. Blu-ray and high-definition WMV files looked stunning, although the glossy screen reflects background light. We tossed in the Blu-ray versions of Serenity and Casino Royale, and both looked terrific. Games also looked good--well saturated, with relatively decent black levels in dark areas.

The mobile Intel Core i7-820QM quad-core processor delivered excellent performance, posting an impressive mark of 120 in WorldBench 6. As expected with such a beefy system, though, battery life was a scant 1 hour, 26 minutes.

DVD upscaling was less than fulfilling. I popped in the DVD version of Serenity, which offers very good image quality, and noticed substantial edge enhancement when playing the movie in PowerDVD. The upscaled image also appeared a little soft.

Audio is a mixed bag. Movies sounded pretty good, as did games, though volume levels were fairly low. The speakers lacked accuracy in musical material, however, with a noticeable boost in midrange, a muted high end, and limited bass. Mysteriously, stereo imaging with music seemed to be shifted to the right just a bit, while movie audio was centered almost perfectly.

Game performance was quite good for a laptop, due to the system's dual nVidia GeForce 285 GTX mobile GPUs. Still, it wasn't quite up to the performance of a desktop with discrete graphics. The Far Cry 2 action benchmark barely hit 20 frames per second in DirectX 10 mode at the full 1920 by 1200 resolution. The recently released Just Cause 2 fared better, reaching 35 fps with all of the eye candy pumped up (but without antialiasing enabled). If you're willing to sacrifice a little resolution and a few graphics settings, you should get good frame rates in most PC games.

The keyboard is excellent for typing, and the additional function keys--reminiscent of Logitech's gaming-keyboard macro keys--look promising. AVADirect includes a lightweight macro-recording tool, making this laptop particularly attractive for MMO players. Despite the large keyboard area, the keyboard still lacks discrete Page Down/Up and Home/End keys, though it does have a dedicated numeric keypad.

Network connectivity is quite good, with gigabit ethernet, 802.11n, and Bluetooth available. Interestingly, the Clevo X8100 offers an HDMI input port, allowing external HDMI devices--such as a game console--to use the laptop's display. Other display interfaces include an HDMI output port and a dual-link DVI port, but no analog VGA output. Four USB ports are present, two on each side; one of the USB connectors on the right side serves double duty as an eSATA port. Audio input and output jacks are on the right side, as well. Also available on the right is a connector labeled 'CATV'; a TV-tuner card is optional, but wasn't included in our test unit. The left side houses all the video connections and a mini-1394 jack.

Ultimately, I have mixed feelings about the AVADirect Clevo X8100. I love the large display and the overall feel of the keyboard, but I'm somewhat put off by the awkwardness of the weight distribution and the sheer physical bulk of the unit. The game performance is excellent for a laptop, but it still can't quite keep up with that of even small form-factor desktop PCs that use current-generation, discrete graphics cards. The price of our tested configuration (as of June 3, 2010) is steep, too, at over $4100. However, the entry price, which still includes the 1080p display and the dual GeForce GTX 285M GPUs, is under $2500. If you're looking for an all-in-one gaming system, the Clevo X8100 will fit the bill. But be sure to carry some ibuprofen for the inevitable backache.
HP Envy 17: A Sleek Desktop Replacement for Windows Users With Mac Envy

HP Envy 17 Review, by Loyd Case September 16, 2010

HP's design philosophy when it comes to the Envy series of laptops is to borrow liberally from Apple's Macbook line, then add some of its own flavor. The Envy 17 is no exception. At less than 8 pounds without the power brick, the Envy 17 is barely thicker than an inch and includes robust media playback capabilities--including Blu-ray movies.

The overall look of the latest Envy 17 hews to the understated nature of the product line, with muted grays and light, dimpled swirl details on the case. The packaging is plain and simple as well, and most of the documentation ships on an included 2GB SD card.

At one point, I fired up the HP Support Assistant. My past experiences with HP's efforts to automate support have been less than stellar, but this time around, it detected a BIOS update, a number of drivers and other HP software updates; installed them; and rebooted cleanly. The whole process was simpler and more straightforward than Microsoft's Windows Update scheme.

The Envy 17 as tested by PC World arrived with an Intel Core i7-720QM CPU clocking in at 1.6GHz, with a peak turbo boost frequency of 2.8GHz. The 720QM is a true quad-core CPU with hyperthreading, so it supports eight simultaneous software threads. Boosting graphics performance is an AMD Mobility Radeon HD 5850 with 1GB of video RAM, the fastest mobile Radeon GPU short of the high-end units found in heavier, dedicated gaming laptops. Rounding out the specs were 8GB of DDR3-1066 memory. The price of the system--configured as we tested it, with the Blu-ray drive and the 8GB RAM upgrade--is a steep $1825; the base configuration starts at around $1400.

It's worth talking about the audio for a moment. Most laptop speaker setups are, simply put, terrible. The Envy 17's speakers actually sound pretty decent. While voices were just a touch nasal, the overall tonal balance proved easy on the ears. Music sounded good, as did movies. Overall, it's probably the second best audio we've heard on a laptop (only the audio on a recent Toshiba unit with 50mm Harmon Kardon drivers was a tad better.) If I have any complaints, it's with the lack of bass (which is no surprise with a laptop) and the relative lack of volume with everything cranked up.

Headphone audio also sounded very good, and HP's software gives you control over the overall audio experience with a graphics equalizer. The integrated iDT audio codec delivered clean, distortion-free audio.

Display image quality was also robust. After getting past my initial dislike of the glossy screen (I hate all glossy screens), the overall color balance in movies and games turned out to be quite pleasing. Also pleasantly surprising was the viewing angles. No laptop LCD offers truly wide viewing angles, but the Envy 17's were better than most--even vertical shifts didn't result in complete intensity falloff, as I've seen with many other units.

Movie and video playback quality was uniformly excellent. I popped in both the Serenity Blu-ray Disc and Serenity DVDs, and noticed that the upscaling on the DVD version was only marginally poorer than the Blu-ray transfer. The Blu-ray version of The Matrix also looked crisp and sounded great. HP's MediaSmart suite also gives you a variety of other options for Internet-connected content, such as the Rhapsody site.

Optical discs slide into the right-side mounted Blu-ray ROM/DVD burner. Also on the right side are two USB 2.0 ports, the 5-in-1 flash memory card reader and the power connector. The left side offers up a single USB 3.0 port and a shared USB/eSATA port, and not one, but two digital video outputs--a mini-DisplayPort connector and one for HDMI. Without needing a docking station, you could have access to a triple display setup--two external monitors and the 17-inch, 1080p Envy 17 screen. One of the monitors would have to have a DisplayPort connector, however. Using the VGA output together with the two digital outputs, you can even hook up three external monitors at once, albeit without using the laptop's display.

The overall feel of the keyboard is quite nice, with excellent tactile feedback. Its layout is mostly good, too, though I'm not happy about the compromises HP made with the arrow keys and with the overall lack of dedicated media keys--something a little odd in a laptop offering such rich media playback offerings. The trackpad seemed a little on the twitchy side.

Performance in desktop apps seems only average in a unit of this class, with a WorldBench score of 86. Games fared pretty well. Far Cry 2 delivered 42 frames per second in DX10 mode, optimal settings, at full 1080p resolution. And the laptop delivered almost 27 frames per second in the demanding Just Cause 2 "Concrete Jungle" benchmark test. You'll likely have to dial down graphics settings a notch, but you should see relatively robust frame rates while maintaining good image quality.

One concern about the Envy 17 that's worth discussing is heat. The cooling fan became noticeably loud when game benchmarks were run, and the surface (of the keyboard) became quite warm in places. It wasn't too hot to touch, but clearly a lot of heat is being generated in a tight space and needs to go somewhere. That's the downside of building a high-performance system into a compact package.

Overall, the Envy 17 looks to be an elegant, relatively compact laptop (as desktop replacement systems go) for digital photographers, music buffs, video enthusiasts, and gamers. Just make sure you keep it cool!

Price List of Flexi Muslim Package and Nexian C900 (NexBery )

Price List of Flexi Muslim Package and Nexian C900 (NexBery )

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